Tuesday, 21 October 2008

New Draft Coming Along Nicely

Well, after the hell of working in the corporate video world for the last 4 months I am now a free man again. The thing about corporates is that they pay well, but in return they are all consuming. I'm now editing a superb documentary about Charles Dickens directed by an old friend, Julian Richards (Summer Scars & The Last Horror Movie) and a Producer/distributor friend, David Wilkinson. Next week I'll be shooting some 2nd unit shots on my Varicam camera. So if you live in Portsmouth or Rochester and see a film crew it could well be us!

The other good news is that I have made really good headway on the Kaleidoscope Man script re-draft and aim to have it finished by the end of the month. Ken (the K-Man Producer) wants to take it to the American Film Market (AFM) in November in the continued search for funding.

Talking of which, its been pretty quiet here on that front, but we're still forging ahead. Some news soon, I hope...

Monday, 13 October 2008

What I've Been Up To...

A new video! Just a brief update of the productions I've been involved in over the last few months...

Sunday, 5 October 2008

This Could Take a While...

I've started to get feed back from some of the potential Investors who've received the business plan. They all seem impressed with the film and the DVD, and I get the sense that there are people out there who would genuinely like to help.

On the other hand, there is grave concern about the current financial shenanigans kicking off around the globe. A lot of investors are seeing their fortunes disappear and investing in a movie seems to be the last thing on their minds right now.

I'm just finishing this colossus of a corporate video, so from next week I'll be able to get back to seriously marketing the plan. I really can't wait. I know there are people out there who will help us. I just need to find them...