I'm going to do a big mail out in a few days time, so we should have some idea soon...
Making movies is my passion and Alpha Star Productions is my film company. My first movie, Written in Blood, has sold all over the world. My recent DVD productions, Discover Shakespeare's Stratford and Discover Warwickshire, have been a phenomenal success and I have two feature films in development, The Final Reel (a thriller), and Kaleidoscope Man (an epic sci-fi adventure). I also make all sorts of films to pay the mortgage, and I simply love what I do...
Well, I have just received 3000 replicated DVD disks of Written in Blood from the duplicators. My plan is to sell as many as possible in as short a possible time to finance my new film, The Final Reel.
I will be doing a massive email send out to film makers, film companies and people I've met along the way in the hope that they can help. As you will see from the column on the right of the blog, I am now starting to sell all sorts of stuff, Written in Blood DVD's and memorabilia and Kaleidoscope Man artwork. I am aiming to raise around £105K. If I can do this, I'll apply to Screen West Midlands to try and get their media fund, which could bring in another £35K.
I know it's a long shot, idealistic and possibly naive to think that people will automatically buy my film, but I am determined to get Final Reel shot this year. If anyone has any fundraising ideas, however crazy, please do get in touch.
Many thanks.