Making movies is my passion and Alpha Star Productions is my film company. My first movie, Written in Blood, has sold all over the world. My recent DVD productions, Discover Shakespeare's Stratford and Discover Warwickshire, have been a phenomenal success and I have two feature films in development, The Final Reel (a thriller), and Kaleidoscope Man (an epic sci-fi adventure). I also make all sorts of films to pay the mortgage, and I simply love what I do...
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Charles Dickens's England - World Premier
I can't begin to explain the marvellous sensation of seeing something that you have spent months shooting, editing and crafting into shape, up there in glorious high definition on the big screen.
I so want to get Kaleidoscope Man made and in front of an audience. The experience of seeing my work like this makes all the pain and suffering worthwhile! This has been a shot in the arm for me and now I am driven to get K-Man off the page and onto the screen.
Please do go and see Charles Dickens's England on the big screen if you get a chance. It's not Die Hard, but its a good little documentary about a truly "great" Britain.
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Charles Dickens's England - On A Big Screen Near You
Please see below the trailer.
If you fancy a few hours of cultural entertainment about a real creative genius, please do go and see it.
Many thanks.
Friday, 10 July 2009
A New Way To Raise Cash - Genius or Just Plain Bonkers?
As you know, I've been trying to get people to buy my first film, Written in Blood, from which all profits go into funding my next project. Great idea, but.... a supernatural thriller, whilst that genre does have its place, is not for everyone. I believe the best place to make money on a film like this is through traditional film and TV routes.
So, I have come up with something that anyone could buy, all ages, colours and creeds. Something that, if pushed and advertised well, WILL SELL. To the public.
So here it is: I have been making a tourism DVD, about the county I live in, Warwickshire. The home of Shakespeare, George Elliot, the Cotswolds, the place where great historical battles were fought and spectacular castles still remain. The place that is the jewell in the heart of Great Britain.
Yep, that's my simple idea. I have been travelling from town to town, filming in the nice weather, each town and village, discovering the history, meeting the artists etc. I will be doing some rather fancy helicopter shots in the next few weeks. Once I've edited the film and recorded the voice over, I will be mastering the film to DVD and will get a few thousand replicated.
Then, I will be selling them from around £11.99 per copy. I intend to market them in local magazines, newspapers, tourist information centres/venues, local shops etc...
I'm hoping that with a big initial push we will sell multiple copies fairly quickly which will start to build some momentum. The video is costing a little to make, probably around £8 to £10K, so we have some way to break even first. But once we have broken even, hopefully the sales will build and I can start spending the profit on producing my next film.
What I have discovered over the last few years is that the business is changing. With the current recession new funding and sales models need to be discovered. We will soon find out whether my plan will work or not, but the thing that really excites me about it is that its up to ME. I'm not relying on anyone else to write me a cheque or take the financial risk. I can put MY money where MY mouth is.
So that's my plan. I am aiming to have it done by the end of September, with sales starting soon after. I should have some idea by late October if its going to work, just in time to start shooting Final Reel.
Wish me luck, oh, and please do buy a copy of Written in Blood if you haven't already.
Many thanks!
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
A Little Taster From Written In Blood...
Do please take a punt and buy a copy. Every penny we make goes into funding my new film, Final Reel, which we aim to start in October.
If you don't like the film, just let me know and I will refund you - no questioned asked. (But honestly, I think you'll be quite impressed!!)
Many thanks,
Friday, 3 July 2009
Thursday, 2 July 2009
The Final Reel - Story Outline
This is a brief synopsis of my new film, Final Reel, written by Simon Bovey. We're planning to shoot in October and I'm sure we'll be looking for people to help us. I will let you know nearer the time how you can be a part of it. In the meantime, we still need funding help, so do please buy some of our memrobilia - every little bit helps! Many thanks.
Final Reel - Story Synopsis
Nick Foley was once a hot shot film editor but he’s now consigned to a life of corporates and wedding videos. Three weeks before Christmas, one of his biggest clients drops him and he stares bankruptcy in the face.