Saturday, 28 June 2008

The Business Plan - Nearly Ready for Investors

Ken Tuohy (the Producer of Kaleidoscope Man) and I have prepared a shooting schedule and production budget. To make the film to the level we would like, we need to raise £2.3 million. We expect to get at least 25% of this through our UK Regional Screen Agency, Screen West Midlands, who have already invested considerably in the development of the film. The other £75% we hope to raise from Private Investors.

The Business plan will be finished around the middle of July and be ready to send out to Investors.

The plan has taken much longer than I originally hoped because we have set the company up utilizing the EIS (Enterprise Investment Scheme), which means investors, can get extremely good tax breaks, making their investment a lot less risky. This has been a very complicated and frustrating process due to the attention to detail required. Our Lawyers and Accountants have been fantastic though, dotting the I's and crossing the T's, and I'm very proud of the document. It's bright, colorful, exciting and really highlights the fantastic opportunity the film could bring - I really hope we can find some investors who are as excited about making the film as we are.