So, having thought it through, I’ve decided a slightly different approach. Instead of writing a letter, I‘ve designed a small flyer that I will send out to the Lawyers and Accountants instead. This way I don’t have to write individual letters and the artwork and website will hopefully hook them in. Printing.com have a fabulous deal on at the moment. 2000 high gloss double sided flyers for only £76 – A bargain!! The flyer will also act as a sort of business card telling people about the movie. These should be ready by early next week.
Here is the first batch of business plans that will go out later this week. I have a nice little list of potential investors they’re going to and the plans look great – really glossy, I really don’t think they could look any better.
By the way, I’m getting loads of hits on my blog at the moment. Thank you all for your support. Here's a rather nice email I received earlier this week:
I came across your blog through Chris Jones’ blog and just wanted to say that everything you discuss on your blog is extremely interesting and useful to someone like myself, just starting out in the industry. The 'making of' video entries are FANTASTIC! I want to learn as much as I can about the business, I want to see things being made, people physically using the camera, watching the editing process, directing the actors etc etc. So, THANK YOU , and I do hope you add more 'behind the scenes' video on your blog page!
Also, may I wish you every success with your latest project!!
Danny Lacey