Wednesday, 26 November 2008

The Force Is Strong With This One...

This weekends Memorabilia show at the NEC in Birmingham was a real blast! Held twice a year, it boasts the largest collection of sci-fi, horror and sports memorabilia in Europe, and they always have a host of celebrities there to sign stuff.

As a Film Maker, I feel its really important to have a presence at these kind of events as the people who attend, love genre films, and will be the ones going to the cinemas to watch Kaleidoscope Man when it comes out.

I premiered the new trailer and everyone seemed to love it! I also sold quite a few copies of my last feature film, Written in Blood, on DVD.

Star Wars and Willow star, Warwick Davies, watched the trailer and gave it an amazing endorsement. Check out this short video to see what fun we had..
K-Man at Memrobilia Nov 2008 from Simon Cox on Vimeo.
Many thanks to Lucia Landino and Chris Jones for their help with this video.