Over the last 6 mouths I have made a delightful little documentary film called "Discover Warwickshire" and it'll be on DVD and Blu Ray in November. I wanted to produce something that I could sell to anyone and everyone, anywhere and at any time. Then, from the sales of this put that money back into one of my films. I'm aiming to shoot Final Reel just after Christmas and my good buddy, Simon Bovey, is currently re-working the script. I know I said I was aiming to do it in October, but with work and the size of Warwickshire, I'm a bit behind schedule. It's coming on though. Do check out the trailer: www.discoverwarwickshire.com and feel free to pre-book a copy - it's only a tenner plus postage!! (Again, it won't be ready until mid November.)
The irony about Discover Warwickshire is that I have thoroughly enjoyed making it. And I have an immense feeling of satisfaction that I am doing something positive towards getting my career moving. When we have sold enough copies to make Final Reel and then sell that, I will funnel all of those sales back into Kaleidoscope Man.
By the way. I think I have one of the UK's greatest actors to do a couple of days on Final Reel. Can't tell you who, but you'll know him.
All the best and THANK YOU for your encouragement.