Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Discover Warwickshire - Selling Like Hot Cakes!

Here is the sequence BBC Midlands Today did about my fund raising venture:

This went on air on Thursday 14th Dec 2009 at around 5pm and since then I have been amazed at the amount of people who saw this and bought my "Discover Warwickshire" DVD because of it. Sales are increasing as we near Christmas, but I'm fairly sure we will not have raised enough cash to shoot in the early new year as I would have liked.

However, we have had some very encouraging news. Warwick Castle (Central England's leading tourist venue) has agreed to stock the DVD from early January, Compton Verney, a leading Warwickshire Art Gallery, are going to stock it, Nuneaton Library are stocking it, Rugby Art Gallery & Museum are stocking it, and today, I was informed that Waterstones, the Bookshop, will be stocking it. This will be at the Nuneaton branch to start with and then all of the stores in Warwickshire from January 2010, which is fantastic news. In the new year I will continue finding new stockists around the county to help raise the cash I need to get Final Reel made.

I have to keep reminding myself that the film has only been finished for the last three weeks. Since then it has been a whirlwind, selling it at markets and promoting it around the region. From today I have eight more markets to do before Christmas. These are the Solihull, Stratford Upon Avon, Leamington Spa, Nuneaton and Southam markets.

And from January onwards, I will continue selling the film at various markets for two days a week (depending on my freelance work) and put this money into the Final Reel funding pot, until we have raised enough cash to shoot the movie. I'm hoping it won't take to long!

If you are wondering what to buy someone this Christmas, do consider "Discover Warwickshire". It's a lovely 98 minute film, about the home of Shakespeare, some spectacular Castles and it is warm, tender, fascinating, moving, inspiring and hugely entertaining. Not only that, it looks and sounds beautiful and Warwickshire really has never looked better - Please don't worry if you don't live here, you'll certainly want to visit after watching this and anyone you buy it for will be eager to come and see the place. (Please note: the DVD is currently only available in PAL, so right now it won't play in the US or Canada. There will be an NTSC version in the new year - sorry about this).

All of the money raised goes into the pot for getting "Final Reel" up and running and if for any reason you're not happy with it, just let me know and I will provide a full refund. Check out the trailer on the top right hand side of this blog.

Many thanks and merry Christmas - Simon

Monday, 7 December 2009

The Big Festive Sale is Now On...

It's been two weeks now since I took Discover Warwickshire on the road to sell at Christmas Markets. I have been frozen, drenched, blown over, but have so far managed to sell over 450 copies, and I have had some amazing reactions. People really do seem to like the film. In some cases, people who have brought a copy have come back the following week and bought more and more copies.

I am finding this a very special, almost magical experience. For one, it's a very cosy time of year, but I can't really express just how it feels to have worked so hard on a something and then to sell it to a complete stranger. It's very satisfying.

Of course, selling to the public is not always easy, and I am learning that rejection is par for the course. But most of the people I meet have been very endearing and supportive. In a lot of conversations I've had, I said that I've made Discover Warwickshire to help fund a bigger project, and they have just gone for it, buying it on a whim, saying that they want to support someone who is "having a go". Also, surprisingly, I have also sold quite a few copies of Written in Blood. I hadn't set out to sell this on the markets, I only put it out in case any young people wanted something a little "different".

I still have two more weeks of selling to go and will be at markets in Southam, Leamington Spa, Stratford Upon Avon, Nuneaton and Solihull.

I have sent out a lot of press releases and have started to appear in some of the local newspapers and amazingly I got onto the local news (Midlands Today) who gave me a sensational plug for my endeavours. A lot of people I'm meeting saw the programme and are buying the film just to back me.

God bless the British public!!

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Discover Warwickshire - Now Available on DVD

After weeks of early mornings and late nights glued to the edit suite, I am delighted to let you know that my new feature length documentary, Discover Warwickshire, is finally finished. And I have to say, I'm over the moon with it.

It's just under 100 minutes long and looks and sounds fabulous and I start selling it at markets around Warwickshire from this Thursday. My first market is at Stratford Upon Avon and my wife and I have been running around getting DVD's replicated, posters done etc. It's been mad, but so exciting!

Do check out the trailer and please consider buying a copy - all the profit we make goes back into our next production.

You can buy the video at: www.discoverwarwickshire.com

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

The Markets Are Booked!

Well, there's no turning back now as I have just booked up to sell the DVD of my new film, Discover Warwickshire, at none less than 15 Christmas markets around the county. I will be combining this with a massive local press campaign, which hopefully will send people to my market stall or to the website (www.discoverwarwickshire.com). If this works and I can sell plenty of copies - filming of "Final Reel" begins in the new year!

The selling starts on November 26th and to say I am behind with the editing is an understatement!

The film covers 18 towns and villages throughout Warwickshire, and includes other areas of interest, mansion houses and historical venues. Each has had to be shot and fully researched. Then I have interviewed lots of people from Town Centre Managers to Local Artists to Historians. The film is looking wonderful, but to hit the deadlines (and do any freelance work that rolls in), I'm up an 5.30am and working late nights.

As this is a documentary, I am also writing the voice over and recording my own voice as a guide track until I have locked the script. Once this is done, I have a wonderful Voice Over Artist called, Paul Seed, who will perform it for real. He's got a fabulous voice (you can here him on the trailer).

Its a fascinating process building a script around the interviews and material I've shot. And I can't tell you how satisfying I am finding this. I think the people of Warwickshire are in for a real treat!

But enough chit chat - I've got some serious editing to get on with!

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Never Never NEVER Give Up!

Since putting the opening sequence of Kaleidoscope Man on the blog I've been surprised by the amount of hits I've been receiving and the fantastic comments and emails. Thank you all for your ongoing encouragement.

Over the last 6 mouths I have made a delightful little documentary film called "Discover Warwickshire" and it'll be on DVD and Blu Ray in November. I wanted to produce something that I could sell to anyone and everyone, anywhere and at any time. Then, from the sales of this put that money back into one of my films. I'm aiming to shoot Final Reel just after Christmas and my good buddy, Simon Bovey, is currently re-working the script. I know I said I was aiming to do it in October, but with work and the size of Warwickshire, I'm a bit behind schedule. It's coming on though. Do check out the trailer: www.discoverwarwickshire.com and feel free to pre-book a copy - it's only a tenner plus postage!! (Again, it won't be ready until mid November.)

The irony about Discover Warwickshire is that I have thoroughly enjoyed making it. And I have an immense feeling of satisfaction that I am doing something positive towards getting my career moving. When we have sold enough copies to make Final Reel and then sell that, I will funnel all of those sales back into Kaleidoscope Man.

By the way. I think I have one of the UK's greatest actors to do a couple of days on Final Reel. Can't tell you who, but you'll know him.

All the best and THANK YOU for your encouragement.


Sunday, 20 September 2009

Kaleidoscope Man - Scene 1 (For a Limited Period Only)

I've been asked to show the entire SFX sequence we've done so far for Kaleidoscope Man, so here it is!

This is a rough version of how the film will start. Some of it will be changed when we get the funding in place, and we will be re-shooting the actor shots. Steve Moya who is currently wowing us as Vampire Bill Compton in HBO's fantastic series, True Blood, kindly helped us out in this version, delivering a sensational performance one sunday morning back in June 2007.

I will only have this video on the blog for the next two weeks - so please make sure you tell your friends.

Should any of you know someone who might be interested in backing Kaleidoscope Man, please do get in contact: (simon-alphastar@hotmail.co.uk). Many thanks.

I hope you like it!

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Back in Corporate Land

I'm in the US at the moment working on a new corporate video. It's a 2 week job which is paying nicely.

The tourist video I mentioned a few weeks back is nearly shot and I should have it ready by the end of October. It is turning out much bigger and better than I expected and I am really enjoying the process of creating something like this from scratch. I may have found another calling here, as the more I delve into local history, the more facinating information I am discovering. Warwickshire really is an amazing place with some real hidden treasures.

I have some interesting plans to sell the final DVD directly to the public which I hope in turn will go towards funding my next movie. Some of these are a bit 'off the wall', but if it works, who knows where it will lead - We'll know for sure by Christmas. I am finding it a tricky balance though between work and family etc.

Still haven't had any news on the offer we made for that actor I mentioned for Kaleidoscope Man. Will let you know what happens here.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Kaleidoscope Man - One Page Synopsis

I thought you might like to see this. It's a brief synopsis and artwork sheet that we have been sending out with the script.

Click on it to see the detail.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Kaleidoscope Man - Things Are Moving Again

Some good news at last - although sadly, I can't go into much detail. However, I can say that we now have a US Sales Agent in place and we have just made an offer to a fantastic big Hollywood actor. If this actor comes on board it will mean that we can get some pre-sales made and the funds will start to come in. At the moment, we are looking to shoot in July 2010.

We still have a bit of a mountain to climb before then though...

I will keep you informed - keep your fingers crossed!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Charles Dickens's England - World Premier

Last night was the world premier of the film I edited and shot 2nd Unit on, Charles Dickens's England. It was screened at the NFT on the London Southbank, on the biggest screen I have ever seen - and it looked sensational!!!

I can't begin to explain the marvellous sensation of seeing something that you have spent months shooting, editing and crafting into shape, up there in glorious high definition on the big screen.
I so want to get Kaleidoscope Man made and in front of an audience. The experience of seeing my work like this makes all the pain and suffering worthwhile! This has been a shot in the arm for me and now I am driven to get K-Man off the page and onto the screen.

Please do go and see Charles Dickens's England on the big screen if you get a chance. It's not Die Hard, but its a good little documentary about a truly "great" Britain.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Charles Dickens's England - On A Big Screen Near You

The feature documentary I edited and shot 2nd Unit on is about to go on theatrical release. This will be mainly in London and then in some places around the UK. The DVD release will follow on soon after. I'm delighted with it!

Please see below the trailer.

If you fancy a few hours of cultural entertainment about a real creative genius, please do go and see it.

Many thanks.

Friday, 10 July 2009

A New Way To Raise Cash - Genius or Just Plain Bonkers?

I'm going to let you into a little secret. For the last 6 weeks I have been carefully crafting another little film that I intend to sell, and from its profits, hopefully, fund my next feature film, Final Reel...

As you know, I've been trying to get people to buy my first film, Written in Blood, from which all profits go into funding my next project. Great idea, but.... a supernatural thriller, whilst that genre does have its place, is not for everyone. I believe the best place to make money on a film like this is through traditional film and TV routes.

So, I have come up with something that anyone could buy, all ages, colours and creeds. Something that, if pushed and advertised well, WILL SELL. To the public.

So here it is: I have been making a tourism DVD, about the county I live in, Warwickshire. The home of Shakespeare, George Elliot, the Cotswolds, the place where great historical battles were fought and spectacular castles still remain. The place that is the jewell in the heart of Great Britain.

Yep, that's my simple idea. I have been travelling from town to town, filming in the nice weather, each town and village, discovering the history, meeting the artists etc. I will be doing some rather fancy helicopter shots in the next few weeks. Once I've edited the film and recorded the voice over, I will be mastering the film to DVD and will get a few thousand replicated.

Then, I will be selling them from around £11.99 per copy. I intend to market them in local magazines, newspapers, tourist information centres/venues, local shops etc...

I'm hoping that with a big initial push we will sell multiple copies fairly quickly which will start to build some momentum. The video is costing a little to make, probably around £8 to £10K, so we have some way to break even first. But once we have broken even, hopefully the sales will build and I can start spending the profit on producing my next film.

What I have discovered over the last few years is that the business is changing. With the current recession new funding and sales models need to be discovered. We will soon find out whether my plan will work or not, but the thing that really excites me about it is that its up to ME. I'm not relying on anyone else to write me a cheque or take the financial risk. I can put MY money where MY mouth is.

So that's my plan. I am aiming to have it done by the end of September, with sales starting soon after. I should have some idea by late October if its going to work, just in time to start shooting Final Reel.

Wish me luck, oh, and please do buy a copy of Written in Blood if you haven't already.

Many thanks!

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

A Little Taster From Written In Blood...

I was asked if I could show a little more of my first film, Written In Blood, on the blog, so here is a little scene.

Do please take a punt and buy a copy. Every penny we make goes into funding my new film, Final Reel, which we aim to start in October.

If you don't like the film, just let me know and I will refund you - no questioned asked. (But honestly, I think you'll be quite impressed!!)

Many thanks,


Friday, 3 July 2009

Support For Final Reel Rolling In

I sent out over 1500 emails yesterday and have been overwhelmed by the response. Thank you to everyone who has been in touch and all of those who have bought a copy of Written in Blood. If you like the movie, please do ask your friends and families to buy a copy - every penny counts!

In the meantime, please see below my trailer for Kaleidoscope Man. This project is currently doing the rounds in Hollywood and the CGI trailer is generating a lot of interest. The actor, Steve Moyer, now stars in the hit US vampire series "True Blood".

For more info about Kaleidoscope Man go to: www.k-man.co.uk

Thursday, 2 July 2009

The Final Reel - Story Outline

This is a brief synopsis of my new film, Final Reel, written by Simon Bovey. We're planning to shoot in October and I'm sure we'll be looking for people to help us. I will let you know nearer the time how you can be a part of it. In the meantime, we still need funding help, so do please buy some of our memrobilia - every little bit helps! Many thanks.

Final Reel - Story Synopsis

Nick Foley was once a hot shot film editor but he’s now consigned to a life of corporates and wedding videos. Three weeks before Christmas, one of his biggest clients drops him and he stares bankruptcy in the face.

But the season brings a miracle. An East European movie producer offers Nick the job of cutting his next, quite unusual, docu-slasher feature. In return he will pay him three hundred thousands pounds. The only catch is, he must cut it by Christmas Eve. But little does Nick know that the producer has a very dark secret and the film Nick is about to edit will unleash an ancient evil into the world at its premiere.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Editing STUDS

I've just spent the day with fellow Filmmaker, Simon Bovey, editing his new short film, STUDS. It's a great little film and I'm really enjoying the experience.

We also chatted about how on earth we are going to get our next feature, Final Reel, up and running. Simon's big concern is how to keep the quality up on a micro budget and if I will really have the space to do the story justice. As ever, it comes down to time and money. I'm still optimistic about my fundraising ideas, but won't know for a while if I'm being realistic or not, but my feelings are that if we're having the conversations and people know what we're trying to achieve, they will start to come on board.

I'm going to do a big mail out in a few days time, so we should have some idea soon...

Monday, 29 June 2009

The Final Reel - Fund Raising Begins...

Well, I have just received 3000 replicated DVD disks of Written in Blood from the duplicators. My plan is to sell as many as possible in as short a possible time to finance my new film, The Final Reel.

I will be doing a massive email send out to film makers, film
companies and people I've met along the way in the hope that they can help. As you will see from the column on the right of the blog, I am now starting to sell all sorts of stuff, Written in Blood DVD's and memorabilia and Kaleidoscope Man artwork. I am aiming to raise around £105K. If I can do this, I'll apply to Screen West Midlands to try and get their media fund, which could bring in another £35K.

I know it's a long shot, idealistic and possibly naive to think that people will automatically buy my film, but I am determined to get Final Reel shot this year. If anyone has any fundraising ideas, however crazy, please do get in touch.

Many thanks.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Final Reel - How Much Will It Cost?

Well, I've been working through the Final Reel script and at the moment its still fairly big budget. Simon Bovey and I are about to re-draft and find the best way to bring down the cost without compromising the story. Thankfully, Simon has always kept this in mind that its a lower budget movie so there are no "herds of Wilder beast galloping across the open plain" shots to film.

My initial guess is that it will cost around £140K to make. I'm hoping that Screen West Midlands will come in for 25% which means that we only have £105K to raise. As I sit here, I really have no idea how we're going to do this. Only that I want to shoot in October of this year, aiming to have it complete for Cannes in May 2010.

One idea I have had is to sell 10,500 copies of Written in Blood. Is that likely? Who knows? I could sell signed artwork, Tee shirts, memorabilia, even sell Final Reel DVD's in advance. I am also thinking about selling Associate Producer credits on the end of the film + an invite to the premier etc. I don't really want to get into searching for big time investors and selling shares etc, as I got into that carrot chase with Kaleidoscope Man (although, if you do want to invest in the film, please do give me a call!!) - + 44 (0) 7791 890669.

As a coincidence, I'm cutting a Screen West Midlands funded short film called STUDS, directed by Simon Bovey, and I have to say the experience has been quite revealing. This is a superb little film and Simon is a visionary director. It's not quite finished yet, but do check it out. The website address is: http://www.studsthefilm.co.uk/

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Kaleidoscope Man - What's Been Happening?

It’s time I updated you with what has been happening with Kaleidoscope Man. To be honest, things have been slow and I have been working hard to stave off the recession which is sweeping through our industry like a dervish, claiming victims in all quarters.

Firstly, I met a fantastic LA based Sales Agent who is one of the best in the business. He is currently guiding Ken and I on how to get potential pre-sales etc.

Secondly, I was invited to send Written in Blood, to a top movie exec at one of the big Hollywood studios. This is a guy that Ken has been working with for years. No news on this yet, but will let you know what developments.

Both of these events, although small, are leaps forward for the production.

In the meantime, although I’m skint and struggling to find work, I feel its the best time to get out and make something. So, I have a fantastic script written by Simon Bovey, called "The Final Reel". It's a very tense supernatural thriller and we are going to make it on a low budget. Not sure for how much yet, but it has to be an amount that I can physically raise myself.

I have the camera (The Varicam Camera I keep on plugging to rent), all the HD editing facilities I could ever ask for, the locations, plenty of good actor friends and I am owed loads of favors - which I now intend to call in!!! So, once I have priced the film up, I will go out and make it - sooner rather than later.

What I am very keen to do is make something that I can get into film festivals and promote myself as a Film Director. This could also lead to getting Kaleidoscope Man up and running. Obviously, it has to be something that is commercial and that we can sell. So production values, acting etc. must be world class. Thankfully the script is brilliant.

Watch this space…

All the best, Simon.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Gone Fishing Wins Top Movie Award

Well done to my old pal Chris Jones who's just picked up the Best Film Award at "The Producers Guild of America in LA", for his short film Gone Fishing. This is a film I was 2nd Unit Director on and I am very proud to be associated with.

To read more about it, check out Chris's fantastic blog on: www.chrisjonesblog.com

Monday, 18 May 2009

A New Directing Showreel

For the first time in ages I have been asked to produce a directing showreel because I am up for a big directing job which may happen in the summer. As ever, I can't say to much about it on the blog, but its all looking pretty good. Of course I may not get the job so I'm keeping everything crossed!!

I have added some scenes from my first feature Written in Blood, the Kaleidoscope Man pilot and some shots from Chris Jones's Oscar shortlisted film, Gone Fishing, on which I was 2nd Unit Director. I have also added a taster from my documentary films as I wanted to show that I have worked with some big names on some diverse projects.

I find making a showreel tough as its hard to be objective about ones work.

Anyway, I hope you like it.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Creating The Opening Sequence For Kaleidoscope Man

Here is a video about how we made the opening sequence.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

New Artwork Added To Blog

I've added some extra images to the bottom of the blog. Some new Kaleidoscope Man concept art and storyboards that you may find of interest.

Scroll all the way down to the bottom to see them.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Some Early Pre-Viz FX Shots For Kaleidoscope Man

This is a selection of some pre-vized special effects shots from the opening sequence of Kaleidoscope Man. The shots are finished now and some feature briefly in the trailer. But I thought you might like to see this as it shows the level of planning that goes into CGI work just after the shoot and before the real animation begins.

The CGI work was done by Screenburn Animation.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Written in Blood - On Sale NOW

A lot of people have asked me how they can get a copy of my first feature film, Written in Blood. Up until now, I've only ever sold it at the various Memorabilia shows I've attended around the country. So I'm delighted to be able to sell it today...

Who's in it?

Grant Masters, Sharon Small, Gary Beadle, Francis Magee, Doug Bradley, Patrick Robinson & Ben Shockley.

The story

A century ago a series of horrific murders rocked the city. Now, as the end of the millennium approaches, a copycat killer stalks seven victims, praying on the unwary - repaying a pact with the devil which will plunge the world into chaos.

Martin Harris, a best selling horror fiction writer, stands between the forces of damnation and hope for redemption. A man who suspects that his own dark fantasies have conjured the spirit of ancient evil back to renewed life, and deep below the city he learns to his horror, that death is not the end... Written in Blood is a modern film-noir thriller with the accent of mystery and suspense, Alpha Star Films presents a roller coaster ride into a dark world of paranoia and suspicion, in which the supernatural intrudes into a world spiraling towards the end of the century and into the encroaching darkness.

Duration 96 Minutes

Special Features

1.Commentary by Simon Cox

2. An interview with Simon Cox commissioned by The Horror Channel.

3. Deleted Scenes

4. 2 Short psychological Thrillers by Simon Cox

5. The Original Pilot used to get the funding.

6. Every copy is signed by the Director

7. When you have watched the film, fill in the form inside it, send it back and we'll invite you to be an extra in Kaleidoscope Man (when we finally get the film funded)

Is Written in Blood any good?

Well, its tense and chilling and I think its great, I really do, but, I did receive this email recently from a girl who bought a copy at Memorabilia:

“We have watched written in blood, it was amazing!!!. Fantastic script and wicked shots I was gripped. Cant wait until the new film is out.”

Every copy sold will go towards getting K-Man off the ground.

Please see below the trailer. Click on the BUY NOW button to order a copy. Only £10.70 inc P+P. DVD's will be sent by return. Please note: This is only available in PAL, sadly, not NTSC at present.

Monday, 30 March 2009

Kaleidoscope Man - Epic Locations

A large part of Kaleidoscope Man is set on an Alien planet. In the script this is a hot, volcanic place, with a dramatic sea shore and spectacular vistas stretching as far as the eye can see...

Our four main characters must traverse this bleak and inhospitable landscape where the wreckage of a crashed spaceship sticks out of the ocean like a mountain.

As they head towards the wreckage they are pummeled by meteors that cannon into the ground around them and they are attacked by evil four winged Harvester spaceships.

For such an epic sequence, I have chosen to shoot on the island of Lanzarote, where just over 200 years ago, the Island's largest volcano erupted and covered half of the island in lava. Over the years this has solidified, coating the land in a black and red crust.

To see this with your own eyes is
breathtaking. For me, it was as I would imagine the surface of the moon to look and back in 1996, when I first went there, I knew I would one day return to film there.

A lot of films have been shot there including, One Million Years BC and Enemy Mine.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

The New Kaleidoscope Man Trailer...

Ok folks, here it is!

The opening is similar to the original with the same music etc. But the ending is very different. It now incorporates the fantastic new shot from Screenburn Animation. Crank up your speakers, sit back and enjoy...

If this doesn't get the film funded, nothing will!

Do let me know your thoughts.

Kaleidoscope Man Trailer in HD from Simon Cox on Vimeo.

A Spectacular New Shot For Kaleidoscope Man

Good old Screenburn Animation have done another shot to put into the opening sequence of the movie. And it’s mind blowing!!!

Ever since I've been making this film, I've been telling everyone what an epic sci-fi ride it was going to be. Well, now, with this new shot there is certainly no mistaking!

I'm cutting a new trailer together which will incorporate the new shot and will include it in the next couple of days. It's REALLY COOL!!!

Many thanks to Dave & Stuart at Screenburn Animation. www.screenburn.co.uk

Here is the pre-vis, just to wet the appetite.

Space Shot Anamatic Version 3 from Simon Cox on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Screen West Midlands Unable To Help At Present

Sadly I received the rejection letter yesterday from Screen West Midlands. We’d applied for some financial help for the investor screenings we're having in Feb. It was a long shot asking them for help and without them to date; we certainly wouldn't have the spectacular FX sequences and artwork we now have. But it was worth the try. Sometimes you have to lose the odd battle to win the war and we're in this for the long term.

Keep the faith!

Monday, 12 January 2009

Kaleidoscope Man Business Plans Doing The Rounds

Ken and I have been busy getting the business plan into new potential funding areas.

I am in touch with a local group of Business Angels who I’m hoping may be interested in the tax breaks and the opportunity to be involved with our movie. To register with this group we do have to pay a fee, so I will be doing some serious research into the real feasibility of getting funded before we part with any cash.

From the research I've already done it does seem that Business Angel Networks do require cash up from as well as a percentage of the sum raised.

I’m still busy on the Charles Dickens Documentary. I delivered a rough cut just before Christmas and start on the fine cut with Julian (the Director) on Tuesday. We should have the fine cut by the end of the month.